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TK Elevator - Vietnam

Call us toll-free: 1800 1527 (Vietnam only)


New installation enquiries

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Service and modernization enquiries

Type of enquiry

Make an appointment for a free consultation
Request for quotation
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I have read and understood the legal notices regarding data privacy.


Other enquiries

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New installation enquiries

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Service and modernization enquiries

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Other enquiries

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Service and modernization enquiries

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Products & services

Interested in our products and services? Please contact one of our local office for more information.

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24/7 hotline for emergencies and faults

Our Service Center team is available day and night to provide quick help.
Please contact us in case of faults, emergencies, or for help to rescue trapped persons.

1800 1527

You need some help?

You have some feedback to give us on one of our products or the service we provide for your building? Send us a message and we will get back to you quickly.

Contact us


Please visit our career section to apply for a specific job or send us an unsolicited application.



For media requests, please contact our spokesperson.
